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Human existence is full of the unknown, the unexpected, and the unbearable.  We grope in the darkness of our own psyche, of unbreakable laws of nature, and of societal obscurities. Historical, political and cultural circumstances affect people in subtle and brutal ways. At the centre of my artistic research are the complex relationships of humans with reality, with society and with themselves. Self-identity, cultural belongingness, collective responsibility in the post-socialist space and during the Russian aggression in Ukraine are key themes to my practice. In my exploration I attempt to look at the post-Soviet Russia and other post-Soviet countries from the post-colonial perspective and start a conversation how Russia's imperialistic narratives in art brought it to starting the war in Ukraine and falling into the fascistoid regime.

Before the war I engaged in noticing and fixating moments that occur in nature and human behaviour that were overlooked, ignored or hidden. Now I aim to do the same with the connections that exists between complex concepts surrounding the post-imperialistic and post-colonial thinking in post-Soviet space, particularly in regards to the war inUkraine. I also have an obligation in my research to fixate the art resistance that is happening in Russia now. It is important to give voice to those who oppose the Putin's regime and find power to create despite of the oppression. 

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