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Felix Gonzales Torres - Untitled (Portrait of Ross in LA) (1991)

One of the most beautiful artwork on death, time and grief I have ever seen. As the pile of candies in the exact weight of a late life partner gradually disappears taken candy by candy by the audience, the presence of a beloved fades away from the artist's life. The grief stays.

Francis Alys - When Faith Moves Mountains (2002)

This work powerfully demonstrates the grandeur of human collective power and at the same time the futility of their efforts. Francis Alys's works manage to grasp the ungraspable and reveal the deepest nature of human existence.


David Hammons - Bliz-aard Ball Sale (1983)

With this work my interest in contemporary art started many years ago. Another perfect example of showing the unseen nature of things that matter - modern days economy. The artist's role is to show people what they prefer not to see.


Chris Marker - Sans Soleil (Sunless) (1983)

My first passion is filmmaking and my main source of inspiration has always been cinema. Chris Marker's video essay "Sunless" is my ultimate "Bible" on how to approach and unearth the deepest human existential questions. 

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Shane Carruth - Upstream Color (2004)

The only nowadays filmmaker that follows Chris Marker's footsteps is Shane Carruth. He comes close to capturing the very core of human existential fear and our longing for connection.


Kazimir Malevich - Black Square (1913)

The works of this master made the most powerful attempt to tame the entropy of the world. Humans have the innate drive for order and making sense of the surrounding chaos. Some fail, some succeed at this better than others.

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